Mayical Skin Care

Mayical Skin Care

Mayical Skin Care

Mayical Skin Care

Botox: Do’s and Don’t’s

There comes a time when we look in the mirror and realize that the person looking back at us is not who it used to be. Where did all these wrinkles come from? Where did the smooth, shiny complexion go?

If these are things you can relate to, then Botox might be the solution for you!

Botox is a type of botulinum toxin injection. It’s used to treat crow’s feet, wrinkles, and some muscle spasms. Results typically last for about 3-6 months, depending on the person.

Convinced yet? Before you decide to commit to doing Botox, here are a few things to keep in mind.

The Do’s and Don’t’s of Botox

When doing Botox, make sure you:

  • DO apply ice to the injected area to reduce swelling.
  • DO use Arnica before and after treatment to reduce inflammation and prevent bruising.

When doing Botox, also make sure you:

  • DON’T drink alcohol for a couple of days before AND after treatment.
  • DON’T drink any anticoagulants such as Advil, Motrin, Aleve, or Naproxen.
  • DON’T take any supplements that consist of vitamin E, fish oil, garlic, or lovaza.
  • DON’T lie face down after treatment, since it can worsen inflammation.
  • DON’T exercise or do any kind of physical activity for at least 24 hours after treatment.
  • DON’T massage the area of injection, no matter how uncomfortable it feels.

Another important thing to remember before doing Botox is that you should not do it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. At the moment, there’s no definitive proof that doing Botox can cause harm to the baby, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Botox is a great treatment option for men and women of all ages who want to have smoother, younger-looking skin. Give it a try! Just remember to keep in mind all the Do’s and Don’t’s so everything runs as smoothly as possible.

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