Spiders can be blue, purple
or red. They form extensive patterns of
linear, burst distributions
stars or tree-like. The veins
spiders can form in all
legs, including inner thighs,
ankles and calves. This can
be a sign that a condition exists
called venous insufficiency. For the
They are usually not painful. Without
However, it is very common to remove
the spiders raisins for cosmetic reasons.
Laser treatment is one of the methods with
more successful in removing spider veins. This
technique uses a burst of light that is sent to the
come to. This causes the vein to fade
slowly and disappear. This procedure takes
15 to 20 minutes and usually requires
2 to 5 treatments. Laser treatment does not
uses no incisions or needles, but the heat of the laser
it can be painful. cooling always helps
to reduce pain.